Let's Fox Things Up
PayPal or plastic, we've got you covered.
We've built 30 years' experience in strategy and scenario planning into two robust programme offerings, delivered through a highly innovative web-based platform.
All designed by us, from scratch. You won't find anything like it anywhere else.
Develop your strategic intelligence, sign up below.
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High School
Price of a Textbook
Holed up at home in lockdown? Set direction for your life after school, and develop your ability to manage uncertainty - a highly sought after skill in the workplace.
8 Lessons
Original, engaging content
World-class stop-motion animation
Live Learning intelligence feed, updated every day
Exercises for reflection
Discussion Rooms to engage with others
Downloadable journal
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Set yourself apart with the ability to use scenarios in the face of uncertainty - a key leadership trait sought after by executive teams across every sector.
11 lessons
3-month licence
Guided tutorials by world-leading scenario strategists
Facilitated feedback
Intelligence feed, updated with original insight multiple times a day
Discussion Rooms to connect and engage with others
Downloadable strategic journal